The article provides an overview of the development of the idea of local normative legal regulation in the Imperial Russia, during the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The author upholds the idea that the local normative legal regulation is the form (way, means, method) of the decentralized legal regulation of social relations and at the same time it is a kind of a legal channel for familiarization with democracy. The author notes that the local normative legal regulation in the sphere of public law and private law has its own characteristics. In the area of private law corporate legal regulation is being developed. The author draws attention to the necessity of distinguishing between the local normative legal regulation and normative legal regulation carried out at the level of local government within the framework of the municipal law. The author draws the conclusion that the local normative legal regulation has vast perspectives, if one follows the social partnership doctrine, which means the acknowledgement of various social interests of any social groups and granting them with the legal right and actual possibility to participate in relevant social-legal processes, in the formation of public opinion and adoption of legal solutions at various levels, including at the level of enterprises and organizations, corporations.
Law, standardization, local regulation, decentralization, private law, public law, corporate relations, legal activities, development.
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