This article inspects the significance of the system of levels of control proceedings as a form of supervision over judicial power in the Russian criminal legislation. The article features the analysis of changes, made to the Russian Procedural Criminal Code by Federal law of 29.12.2010 N 433, related to the system of reviewing court’s decisions in criminal process. The author inspects features of legal concepts of the European court of human rights, reflected in relevant regulations concerning legal certainty, stability of courts’ decisions and ensuring the convicts’ right to efficient justice in the existing forms of reviewing sentences in the Russian criminal process. The author draws the conclusion that the absence of necessary statutory regulations complying with the international decrees, and clear methodological recommendations regarding meeting the international law requirements on ensuring stability and consistency of sentences form objective reasons for weakness of the judicial practice in this area.
Appeal, cassation, supervision, review of sentence, court’s decisions, legal force, principle of legal certainty, principle of legal stability, justice.
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