The article is devoted to the design of the training course «Communicative technologies in the service». It is noted that in recent times, domestic education is increasingly focused on practical disciplines and subjects, so the role and value of applied knowledge grow, and with it problems of its implementation (teaching) in classically oriented high schools, traditionally focused on theoretical knowledge. This «gap» may be overcome if you understand the imbalances and design disciplines, with the latest knowledge, gleaned mostly from foreign business literature. It became the basis for the design of the course «Communicative technologies in the service» (manual, trainingmethodical complex, series of lectures, training). The course is built on the basis of the following considerations: to avoid duplication with adjacent (previous and subsequent) disciplines; a basic understanding of the terms «communication » and «contact»; practice-oriented approach to serving and learning; networking of communicative theory with «service»; the great role of independent work at studying of discipline. Quotations from contemporary business literature and practices of various communication strategies, including the material of our region – the Tyumen region play the major role in the course. Methodologically, the discipline focuses on the new direction of development of Tyumen state University as a University of global competitiveness and its mission is «training people who are capable to design new activities, to transform the social environment and create successful businesses in the face of global competition».
higher education, universities with global competitiveness, communicative technologies, thematic planning, teaching complex
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