Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to widely used in modern Russian higher school case method. The methodology is considered in the context of teaching «Pedagogy and psychology of higher education» for PhD students. In the spectrum of training the highest level specialist tasks is to prepare PhD students for teaching in vocational education. Traditionfor Russian education is the situation when personal is replenished by the graduates of the graduate school, «grown» by the University. Academic postgraduate course «Psychology and pedagogics of higher school», prepared by the Department of philosophy and psychology, Moscow state university of mechanical engineering (MAMI), is also intended to help future teachers in mastering the content of modern concepts of education and personality formation. But the most attention is paid to the practice of designing educational situations in higher education. The authors ‘ position is that the failure of the use of case studies is primarily concerned with the complexities of collecting and the formation directly of problem pedagogical situations. The propose variants: a) practical training using the case method, b) the collection and formulation of problem pedagogical situations, in) classes with the use of the case method, d) stages of the case. The authors share their experience and introduce the reader to the acquired fund of their pedagogical situations. In situations fund there are the following types of situations: conceptual, institutional, psychological, ethno-cultural and others. Specific situational feature of many tasks is the multiplicity of solutions. From this point of view, offered by the PhD students solutions can be divided according to the degree of risk, reasonableness of solutions, the cost of resources, but a variety of solutions will be correct and relevant to the task.

case-study, «Pedagogy and psycholog

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