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Abstract (English):
The article discusses advantages of information technology in electronic tourism (e-tourism) promotion. Today the global society is hardly imaginable without different portable technical equipment, and it is the condition for e-tourism development. Implementation of the global Internet network in all spheres of human activity has allowed to develop e-commerce, which is firmly established in the tourism industry. At current stage tourist sites occupy a significant part of total number of Internet sites. E-tourism is the pressing topic for modern globalized society. But today the advantages of Internet´s impact on the tourism industry in Russia and the world at large are understudied. The article defines the role of Internet and satellite television in development new type of organization of tourism – e-tourism. This kind of organization of tourism has become very popular in Western Europe and in America, due to the development of information technologies and Internet expansion of Web-sites of many means of accommodation. Hotels with own Web-sites gives on their pages detailed information about the conditions of accommodation with an indication of the prices of all the services offered. When comparing the data of price-lists, we can note that they differ markedly in the price range from tourist agencies proposals. Internet capabilities are attractive to potential tourists. With their help he by himself can get acquainted with the country, he is going to visit, can learn about the attractions and hotels, as well as the living conditions in them. Gradually, travelers began to trust in innovations such as e-visa and e-ticket, and enjoy them. Thus, it is possible to talk about the rapid development of e-tourism.

e-tourism, information technology, Internet, satellite television

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