Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author analyzes the problem of inclusion in the Russian criminal law of the institute of administrative prejudice. The paper comprises three blocks: assessment of the need to introduce rules on prejudice in the Criminal Code; the timing of bringing persons to administrative responsibility and consideration of private issues of classification of individual components. The aim of the study is to develop scientifically based and up-to-date recommendations for the application of criminal law to administrative prejudice. The author achieves the goal through solving specific problems associated with the beginning of the expiration of the period of limitation for bringing persons to administrative responsibility, revealing differences in understanding by administrative and criminal legal institutions of the concepts of duplicity and recurrence and others. The author proposes the solution of these problems through the use of privatescientific methods of analysis: comparative legal, formal-legal methods, content analysis, and others. The study of court decisions and doctrinal positions on the classification of acts containing administrative prejudice has allowed the author to formulate a number of conclusions regarding the inconsistency of legislative structures of some articles of the Criminal Code. In particular, the use of different approaches to determining the time for bringing a person to administrative responsibility, the absence in Art. 154 and Art. 180 of the Criminal Code of indication on the prejudicial character of the rules etc draw objections. The author pays particular attention to assessing the recurrence of administrative offences and transition of this concept to criminal law relations.

administrative prejudice, criminal liability, prejudicial rules, differentiation of responsibility, individualization of punishment, bringing to administrative responsibility, recurrence, duplicity, ruling in a case on an administrative offense, period of limitation for the institution of administrative proceedings.

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