In this research work there is offered an original method for nozzles designing allowing the structure improvement of the flow arriving in a distributor by means of manufacturing nozzle blades with a perforated input edge and a damping chamber located behind it or with cuts on the end areas of a blade. The analysis of aerodynamic properties of initial and up-dated variants of blades (perforation, making cuts and shears) is carried out with the use of the finite element method in the computation system of automated designing Autodesk Simulation CFD 2014 360. The analysis was carried out with the consideration of different grid models beginning with the simplest (from 500 000 finite elements) and ending with complex models with the closeness of finite elements near a blade profile (up to 2,000 000 finite elements). The research results show that the lowest level of velocities is observed in the variants with a perforated wall and longitudinal cuts. In such a way, these variants of embodiment allow decreasing considerably the intensity of horseshoe whirlwinds (up to 18-20%). A the analysis of pressure distribution in the output section in four variants of blade end area embodiment one can observe that in variants with a perforated wall and longitudinal cuts are seen the best values: in connection with lower pressure loss their effectiveness is on average about 0.2% higher, than the effectiveness of the initial model. The variants offered of the embodiment ensure also the decrease of vibro-acoustic activity of a stage.
turbomachine, nozzle instrument, perforated profile, power waste, finite element method, Autodesk Simulation CFD
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