Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The application of BCR (brake cylinders with the built-in regulator of rod output manufactured by Transpneumatics Co.) in a brake actuator in fright eightwheel cars with separate drives located in areas of car trucks is promising. Such a layout as is well known allows increasing fright car carrying capacity at the expense of an undercar area clearing. But the application of such systems for different types of cars is limited with design peculiarities of cars and a considerable scatter of reduction ratios. The paper reports the consideration of a possibility for the location of a brake system with the BCR both in car truck areas, and on a car truck for a maximum possible quantity of car types. The limitations on the proportions of a lightweight and carrying capacity for fright cars operated in the RF in which the applica-tion of a uniform brake system is possible. The use of a cylinder in a brake system with the location on a car truck as a system least dependent on design peculiari-ties of cars is offered. The BCR-10-85 cylinder is cho-sen as one of the most possible variants of brake cy-linders. A possibility of the application of a uniform rigging with the BCR-10-85 cylinder for cars with pressure control in cylinders with the aid of an auto-mated mode and application in a rigging of one or two holes for reduction ratio changes is defined. For cars having no possibility for pressure control in cylinders with the aid of an automated mode there is obtained a substantial quantity of reduction ratios depending on individual characteristics (lightweight and carrying capacity) of cars that does not allow using a uniform rigging.
rigging, brake cylinder, reduction ratio, auto-mode, spring hanger flexibility
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