In the modern conditions, teaching of university disciplines should be based on the creativity principles of expo- sition and presentation of educational material; it also should be problemoriented and should contain a lot of problem situations of different types and have a great part of problem discussion, both during lectures and training sessions (workshops). The article presents the experience of the program development of the discipline «Innova- tions in professional activity” based on the principles of creative teaching for students studying on training program «Tourism», «Hospitality», and «Service», and discloses the methods and techniques of lectures and workshops . The author provides and explains the cycle of tasks of the discipline, ensuring the formation of the essential educational competencies. The course concept is based on the assumption that innovativeness and creativity are connected; it creates «the formula of discipline». Awakening the creative consciousness by invigoration the students with successful examples of creative activities is the main goal of the course. The course includes a large number of examples (cases) of innovative approach in various fields and areas; training sessions for the formation of the sustainable needs for development of student’s creative resources and applying them in practice. The article presents the developed model of the trajectory of educational discipline in the form its thematic structure. The author justifies substantial component of lectures and workshops. The conclusion about the importance of creative and innovative approach and usage the problem principle of the organizing the teaching of the discipline at university of tourism and service profile is made.
innovations in professional activity, academic discipline, creativity principles in teaching, innovations in education, the problematic principle of exposition
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