Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article attempts to identify existing legal forms of funds through the prism of the performance of the basic functions. It explains fundamental role money has to play: a function of medium of exchange, a measure of value, means of accumulation, means of payment and the function of world money. The function of medium of exchange involves the use of funds in the area of trading. Use of money as a common counting unit is connected with the economical function of the measure of value. This function means that money serves as the universal means of indicating the price of goods, works and services. As a means of accumulating it is materialized through accumulation, which have the feature of value stability. As means of payment money works through payments out of any direct connection with the downturn area. Finally, the functioning of world money is associated with the use of the currency of a state in international payments. The author considers other functions of money. Special attention is paid to the legal currency, foreign currency and monetary metals.

concept and functions of money, legal form of funds, legal currency, foreign exchange, monetary metals.

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