Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the social factors that influence the efficiency of formation of personnel potential of public service. The analysis is based on data from a series of studies conducted among civil servants, as well as in universities among students of specialized training areas and specialties. The main objective was to identify the motives of choice of areas of training or specialty, as well as to learn about formed ideas of the civil service and the degree of its attractiveness as a potential employer. Surveys conducted among civil servants show a high degree of dissatisfaction with the expectations of the data that is the indirect cause of the loss of motivation and incentives for professional and personal development, deterioration of the quality of work, as well as the transition to the commercial structures. A comprehensive approach to address the challenges in the field of formation of personnel potential of public service is necesary, taking into account the effect of both internal and external social factors.

public service, management training, formation of human resources

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