The article deals with the definition of “consent” which understands as a the permission of the head of the investigative body for the production of the investigator or the resolution of the Prosecutor on the production of the investigator the corresponding investigative and other procedural actions and to their adopting procedural decisions in accordance with the paragraph 41.1 of article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The author discovered a lack of conformity between the legal definition of “consent” and its use in the text of the Criminal Procedure Code. The definition of “consent” was examined in present article in its broadest sense, it was filled with new content, different from mentioned in paragraph 41.1 of article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code. About the definition of "consent" was considered in the article as: 1) the power of the officials (authority), court (judge); 2) the right of a party to criminal proceedings to give consent to the production of the procedural actions or procedural decision; 3) condition of procedural agreements or condition for the adoption of procedural decisions; 4) consent of the two States on issues of international cooperation or the consent of the foreign state in bringing the citizen to criminal responsibility in Russia.
consent, sanction, departmental control, judicial control, Prosecutor´s supervision over the activities of the investigator (investigator).
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