The work objective is to study the four-layer scheme convergence rate. The problem of finding an approximate solution to the linear operator equation Au = f is considered. Two-layer and three-layer iterative methods are used to solve this problem. At that, the three-layer conjugate directions methods converge faster than the two-layer gradient methods. The research problem is to establish whether the four-layer scheme has a speed advantage as compared to the three-layer scheme. The four-layer scheme is constructed, and its parameters are calculated for this purpose. It is proved that the four-layer iterative scheme of a variational type for solving finite-difference equations downs to the three-layer scheme.
finite-difference equations, three-layer scheme, four-layer scheme, variational methods.
Большинство прикладных задач таких, как задача транспорта веществ [1–3], гидродинамики мелководных водоемов [4–5], аэродинамики [6–7], динамики популяций [8] и других, сводятся к решению системы линейных алгебраических уравнений (СЛАУ). Для решения таких систем уравнений используются двух- и трехслойные итерационные схемы.
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2. Sukhinov, A.I., et al. Parallel´naya realizatsiya zadach transporta veshchestv i vosstanovleniya donnoy poverkhnosti na osnove skhem povyshennogo poryadka tochnosti. [Parallel implementation of transport tasks substances and restore the bottom surface on the basis of high order schemes.] Parallel´nye vychislitel´nye tekhnologii (PaVT´2015). Trudy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii. [Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT’2015). Proc. Int. Sci. Conf.] 2015, pp. 285-296 (in Russian).
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4. Sukhinov, A.I., Chistyakov, A.E., Alekseenko, E.V. Chislennaya realizatsiya trekhmernoy modeli gidrodinamiki dlya melkovodnykh vodoemov na supervychislitel´noy sisteme. [Numerical realization of three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for shallow water basins on supercomputing system.] Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2011, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 3-21 (in Russian).
5. Sukhinov, A.I., Belova, Y.V. Matematicheskaya model´ transformatsii form fosfora, azota i kremniya v dvizhushcheysya turbulentnoy vodnoy srede v zadachakh dinamiki planktonnykh populyatsiy. [Mathematical model of phosphorus, nitrogen and silicon forms transformation in moving turbulent water environment in problems of plankton population dynamics.] Engineering Journal of Don, 2015, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 50 (in Russian).
6. Sukhinov, A.I., Khachunts, D.S., Chistyakov, A.E. A mathematical model of pollutant propagation in near-ground atmospheric layer of a coastal region and its software implementation. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2015, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1216-1231.
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