Currently, the issues of legal protection of appellations of origin and geographical indications are of particular relevance. Due to the current historically terminological uncertainty, there is a need to joint in the international dimension of the various systems of data protection of intellectual property. In order to solve this problem in the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organization on May 20, 2015 was adopted the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement, which allows to carry out the international registration not only of appellations of origin and geographic indications, and also allows to accede to the Lisbon agreement of the several international organizations. The activities of the World Intellectual Property Organization for the improvement of the Lisbon system aimed at widening of its participants, modification of the Lisbon Agreement of appellations of origin and inclusion in the Lisbon system the provisions on the protection of geographical indications on the basis of their international registration.
geographical indication, appellation of origin of goods, means of individualization, international registration.
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