Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is studying methodology modernization of test technologies based on the teaching-control systems. The research task was to study the structural components and basic methodological principles for developing teaching-control systems that contribute to the expansion of their educational functions. The paper presents reasoned information that in recent decades the test technology is used not only for monitoring and evaluation of students´ knowledge, but also are used in this learning process, for example, for a more efficient organization of independent work. Experience to date in creating e-learning shows that the development of this process is mainly through the integration of educational information, teaching innovation and information technologies, which could result in a qualitatively new learning environment with their products. As proposed by the authors of scientificmethodological concept, improvement of test technology provided by the transfer of some functions of the teacher teaching-controlling complex is complete software with three structural components (blocks). The methodological basis of the development of the complex are the justification of the scope and depth of knowledge in the discipline of study (first block), transforming them in the form of test tasks (second unit), as well as complex solutions, providing consultancy in the field of knowledge (the third block). The paper presents practical guidelines for the design of each of these blocks, and an analysis of the most frequent mistakes made by developers of complexes. The proposed methodology was the basis for the development of teaching-electronic control complexes in various disciplines taught at the Department "Food production", Penza State Technological University. Complexes passed wide approbation and implemented in the educational process more than thirty universities in Russia.
quality education, test technologies, control, student, teaching-controlling complex
Одной из ключевых задач Образовательной программы России на 2016–2020 гг. в сфере профессионального образования является применение в процессе формирования знаний обучаемых инноваций структурного и технологического характера в соответствии с актуальными и перспективными потребностями индивидуума и общества в целом. Отдельные составляющие этой задачи могут быть решены с помощью образовательных технологий, в которых управление процессом обучения, контроль получаемых знаний и коррекция образовательного процесса на всех его стадиях системно взаимодействуют и дополняют друг друга.
В основе таких технологий лежит мониторинг качества обучения, под которым в педагогической практике обычно понимается система организации сбора, хранения, обработки и использования информации о процессе формирования знаний обучаемых. При этом мониторинг процесса обучения, так же как и качество усвоения студентами знаний, может осуществляться на уровнях представления (знакомства), воспроизведения, умений и навыков, а также творчества.
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