Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers and analyzes the main features of formation of the market of equity construction in Russia. The article considers the history of the concept of «equity construction» the preconditions of its occurrence abroad and the prototype of equity construction in the USSR, which formed the vector of its further development in Russia. The article also reviewed a set of problems and flaws in the mechanism of legal regulation of Russian market of equity construction. Was analyzed the significance of the legal flaws in the formation of negative socio-economic things such as the existence of illegal schemes of attraction of money of real estate investors and, as a consequence, the problem of «deceived investors», which can be regarded as features of the Russian market of equity construction, negatively affecting its development. On the basis of the analysis a set of recommendations was formulated, implementation of which contributes to minimize the risks of participation in shared construction.

equity construction, developer, real estate investor, the developer risks, features of formation, risks of participants of equity construction.

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