Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of codification of Russian legislation were analyzed in present article. Codification was seen as one of the most promising directions of improvement of national legislation and as the important task of its development and organizing. Special attention was paid to possible ways of increasing of the codification level of the Russian legislation, to possible ways of overcoming of the negative trends developed in this field in present time. The author stated that the solution to the problems of codification concerns issues of legal technique as well as substantive issues of law. The features of the codification of law in modern Federative Russia were considered. The author shares an opinion that the expanding of the practice of publication of the Legal Foundation is more appropriate. The Foundation as a distinctive form of codified act can effectively be used as the act which implementing the framework of legal regulation in joint competence of the Federation and constituent entity of the Federation, because of the its structure of internal organization of legal material. The author highlighted the increasing importance of the integrated (intersectoral) codification in a terms of prevailing trend of integration of legal regulation.

codification, code, branch of legislation, codified act, scope of public relations.

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