The article considers the issues of combating money laundering and illegal transferring of bank assets abroad, which are the most important in the period of full-scale economic crisis in Russia. The author analyzed the data of official statistics and identified the main criminal ways (schemes) of the bank assets transfer abroad and give them a lawful appearance to possession, use and disposal. There is the practice of investigation of criminal cases of this category in present article, as well as examples of permissible violations of the law. The author identified the most significant direction to effectively combating crimes of such kind, formulated the criteria of the activities of the bank activity aimed at the transfer of cash and other liquid assets of the bank abroad. The measures of improving of the existing legislation in the sphere to combat money laundering and illegal transferring of bank assets abroad were proposed by the author.
legalization, laundering, offshore companies, bank assets transfer, cash, criminal, bankruptcy, misappropriation and embezzlement, abuse of power.
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