Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the specifics of the political interview presenting its main features. The author tells the difference between the concepts “dialogue” and “discourse”, “emotion” and “expressiveness” and further defines the principles and indicates the laws of dialogue which carries information through audio and video components. The paper gives various definitions of political interview, which is represented by dialogue communication, exchange of remarks of interlocutors and subjective character of the information received that is explained by the influence of personal emotions and assessments. The author goes on to stress persuasiveness as a specific feature of political interview explaining that it aims at changing or building the recipient’s certain attitude to people, facts or events. In conclusion the paper states that political discourse studies do not only concentrate on principles, emotions and assessments — each political interview is characterized by a specific axiological situation that implies building a political interview model with a view of defining its axiological and ethno-lingual characteristics. That could serve as a cultural source for interpreters, translators and IR journalists. The genre of political interview taking a high position by its frequency of occurrence in the communicative practice expands its borders, occupying its own niche in the general political discourse.

political interviews, dialogue, the interviewer, intervyutruemy, discourse, emotion, expression of, estimation, dialogic speech, persuasive, persuasive communication, political dialogue, communicative practice, the political discourse.

Коммуникативная практика в политическом дискурсе в последние десятилетия привлекает внимание политологов, психологов, социологов, лингвистов.


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