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Abstract (English):
A current stage of information society development creates a basis for the initiation and development of new information techniques of management activity support. One of them is the technology of information and expertanalytical support of the development, analysis and management decisionmaking in distributed environment. At the same time, in increasing frequency in the course of the preparation and decisionmaking the persons making decisions resort to the use of experts’ group opinion in the corresponding subject fields. In the paper there is considered one of the significant and widespread problems in decision-making – the problem of experts’ group assessment of objects and also the approaches to its modeling under conditions of experts’ distributed interaction are investigated. A generalized algorithm is offered and an information model of group examination in distributed expert networks is created. It allowed emphasizing basic stages of the mentioned process and information ties between them and also defining a set of expert procedures essential for the information provision of a support process. A complex of models of processing the results of a group examination is defined the formation and investigation of which represents a priority task for the development of a distributed information system of group examinations support.

decision-making, expert networks, expert assessments, group examination, consistency of expert assessments, assessment of experts’ competence, information model
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