Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Hematogenous thrombophilia is often encountered in the clinical practice of doctors of all specialties. The article presents current data on the diagnostic of this pathology. In most cases pulmonary embolism is a clinical onset of hereditary hematogenous thrombophilia. According to the authors of this article, pulmonary embolism occurred in 60% of surveyed patients with hereditary thrombophilia hematogenous. Current antithrombotic therapy is quite effective in this category of patients. Three cases of personal experience of the authors when there was diagnosed a combined form of hematogenous thrombophilia with serious thrombotic complications in anamnesis are shown. Adequate secondary prevention of thrombosis contributed to further disease-free course of the disease.

hematogenous thrombophilia, pulmonary embolism, treatment, prevention.

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