The article discusses the modernization of personnel policy at the regional level. The article analyzes areas of personnel policy, which are grouped according to their object of concentration. The author lists the constituent elements of the state policy and regional staff policy, justifies their substantial party. It is proposed to use as a resource for the modernization of regional personnel policy expert systems. Dynamics of scientific approaches to expert systems is studied; their role in the management process is justified. Markers of modernization processes are selected, sociological methods to track the dynamics of modernization in the regional personnel policy are given, based on local expert systems. Directions for use of expert systems in the regional modernization practices are considered. The areas are: the creation of expert communities; the development of a technological platform to ensure the operation of expert systems; establishment of mechanisms a qualitative analysis of the needs of the labor market in specialists of different professional orientation; creation of the maps of the professional and sectoral mobility; development of methods of information support of subjects of labour relations (employers, employees, Federal and municipal authorities).
state, Federal authorities, municipal authorities, personnel policy, modernization, expert systems.
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