Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Russian system of the economy requires new qualities of labor resources, so the provision of high quality education continues to remain a priority of state policy. Also the quality of education in Russia is connected with the reform and modernization of the education system at the state level, with the development and improvement of scientific, educational and production potential of the University. To guarantee quality and competitiveness in schools must carry out a number of activities associated with quality assurance. The success of educational institutions depends on effective management system and implemented the quality management system. The article presents problems of higher school in the training of engineers, proposed methods of use of the quality management system, discusses statistical methods of control and analysis, quality monitoring of educational activities.

engineering education, quality assessment of education, competence, system management, process approach.

Введение. Одним из основных факторов успешного развития общества служит эффективное функционирование его социальной сферы, в частности системы образования. Образование является важнейшей сферой социальной жизни, так как оно формирует интеллектуальное, культурное, духовное состояние общества.


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