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Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is increasing the productivity and increasing manifestations of the varietal characteristics of winter wheat varieties Povolzhskaya 86 and Svetoch, depending on the application of various fertilizers. The studies were conducted in 2011-2015 in the Central zone of the Samara region. For seeding used elite seeds of winter wheat varieties Povolzhskaya 86 and the Svetoch. One of the methods of farming with the aim of obtaining wheat with high yield and protein content is the use of fertilizers. In addition to the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for proper growth and development of winter wheat, essential trace elements. It was carried out that treatment of seeds with micronutrients before sowing, at the rate of 3 litr. of product + 7 l of water per 1 ton of seeds, with the mass concentration of active components, g/dm3: ZhUSS-1 (copper 33-38; boron 5.5 to 5.7), ZhUSS-2 (copper 32.0-40.0; molybdenum 14.0-22.0), ZhUSS-3 (copper 16.5-20.0; zinc 35.0-40.0). There was also feeding of wheat seedlings in the third decade of April-nitrogen fertilizers: ammonium nitrate with a nitrogen content of 34.6%; the ammonium sulfate with a nitrogen content of about 21%; urea – containing nitrogen in the amide form 46%. Dose of drugs in the processing plant were calculated in accordance with the technology of their application. The protein content was determined by the Biuret micropredation on photoelectrocolorimeter KFK-2. The highest productivity value was achieved in variants with additional fertilizing ammonium nitrate, 30.8 c/ha for Povolzhskay 86 and 37.0 kg/ha – the variety Svetoch. The highest protein content in both crops were similar and amounted to an average of 17.0% per year with options microfertilizer ZhUSS-3.

winter, wheat, variety, pre-sowing, treatment, fertilizing, seedlings
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