Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article deals with problems of HR analytics and its practical application to improve management decisions of individual and organizational performance. The results of Russian and foreign research on the current state of and prospects for the use of HR analysts are summarizes. The levels of HR analysts (from the drafting of HR-metrics to predictive modeling) are allocated, their characteristics are disclosed. The examples of the successful use of HR analysts in modern practice are given, special attention is paid to predictive analysts, the author highlights the potential benefits of organizing, its use for a wide range of tasks: forecasting staffing needs, forecasting staff turnover, improving recruitment, better interaction management talent, identifying the most valuable employees, corporate culture and management involvement, identifying key factors for motivation and success, increase staff productivity, increase efficiency of training and formation of competencies.
evidence-based management, HR analytics, HR-metrics, predictive modeling, levels of HR analytics, individual and organizational performance, talent and employee engagement management.
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Экономическая нестабильность побуждает компании более внимательно относиться к управлению эффективностью деятельности и использования персонала. Ключевая задача — найти оптимальный баланс между развитием сотрудников, повышением уровня их квалификации и эффективности, выявлением лучших и наиболее вовлеченных, способных развивать бизнес и приносить прибыль компании, с одной стороны, и сокращением расходов компании в условиях спада экономики — с другой.
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