The article deals with contemporary approaches to the creation of personalized learning environments (PLE) participants in the educational process on the financial and fiscal discipline through the use of information and communications technology (ICT) resources and Internet services. Subject of research — the definition, content, structure and filling of the teacher’s and student’s PLE in the context of the technology development. Topics of the article covered include the analysis of the personal environment as a self-organizing forms of training for financial and tax spheres. Purpose this work — to identify the main problems of the PLE development considering the requirements of the information society, global trends in the formation of advanced technological structures. The paper reflects the promising areas of ICT in Russian education until 2030, marked the challenges of the modern world in the subject area. In this regard it outlined the scientific and practical approach to the development of personalized learning environments: the definition given in the narrow and broad sense; the structure of the PLE on tax courses. The study was conducted on the basis of a systematic approach, using structural analysis and synthesis techniques. As a result the conclusion about importance of the PLE construction by members of the educational process, the need to incorporate potential of Web 2.0, cloud, mobile and other technologies, as well as massive open online courses. In this case, the PLE can be considered as an instrument of continuing professional education in the field of finance and taxation. A training of creative personnel is the basis of the transition Russian economy, and its part — the tax system — in a new progressive technological way.
technological way, educational activities, financial and tax sphere, personalized learning environment, taxcourses, training of creative personnel.
Ход научно-технического прогресса предопределяет смена господствующих в мировой экономике технико-экономических парадигм (англ. techno-economicparadigm). В отечественной науке аналогом этого понятия является термин «технологический уклад» (ТУ), предложенный в 1986 г. Д. С. Львовым и С. Ю. Глазьевым и рассматриваемый ими как совокупность технологий, характерных для определенного уровня развития производства. Искомое понятие также определяется как совокупность сопряженных производств, имеющих единый технический уровень и развивающихся синхронно; как неравномерный процесс последовательного замещения целостных комплексов технологически сопряженных производств; как несколько взаимосвязанных и последовательно сменяющих друг друга поколений техники, эволюционно реализующих общий технологический принцип.
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