Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the author raises the problem of scientific terminology describing the processes and phenomena in the space of Internet. In particular, the author thinks of the meaning of the term "technology" in broad and narrow human terms, he reveals the interrelation and the difference in the meanings of concepts of “Internet technology" and "New Information Technologies". The humanitarian and technical aspects in the interpretation of Internet technologies are described. The special attention is paid to the theoretical understanding of the use of Internet technology in politics. The author carries out theoretical conceptualization of the concept "Internet technologies in politics. The basic set of characteristics is also determined. The author shows the difference between "political Internet technologies" and "Internet technologies in politics". The article presents the author´s definition of the concepts "Internet technologies in politics" and "political Internet technologies".

Internet technologies, political technologies, electoral technologies, new information technologies, PR technologies in the Internet, political advertising in the Internet, promotion in the Internet

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