An intelligent analysis and processing of data files of amplitude and phase channels of eddy current testing in parts grinding with the use of neural networks of the structure of a multilayer perceptron was considered. The modeling of a neural network of the structure of a multilayer perceptron is carried out which is a solution of the problem of large data files processing regarding quality of parts allowing the crea-tion of a more efficient automated system of monitor-ing and the connection in a single information area of the subsystem of parts control, control and manage-ment of a technological system, the decrease of cost price of quality control, the coverage of a larger sampling volume of parts under control and the increase the efficiency of a technological system control in manufacturing high-accuracy bearing parts. A program realization of the information-measuring channel of eddy current testing as a part of an expert system of decision-making support in the environment of SCADA-system TRACE MODE 6 is presented. The special-purpose developed software Image is designed for the visualization in an online mode, an automated collection, and the analysis and information storage of eddy current testing.
intelligent data analysis, neural network, defect identification, perceptron, rolling surface, bearing, eddy current testing
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