Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors show the features of the formation, transmission and assimilation of historical knowledge in the age of computer technologies. The paper pays attention to the danger of the false and destructive socio-philosophical ideas and so-called new national histories. The thesis of a significant politicization of history in the modern world is substantiated. The authors emphasize the need to preserve school museums and, on the whole, actualize biographical historical memory of pupils and students. This was the basis of the concept of a virtual museum "Soldiers of Victory" which had already been implemented as a modern public, open, creative, informational and educational project.

national history, history education, scientific historicalknowledge, historical myth-making, the dynamics of historicalknowledge, virtual museum, personal historical memory.
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Роль исторического образования для формирования личности человека и гражданина всегда была и остается очень важной, но сегодня в рамках проведения государственной политики в области образования и воспитания этот вопрос приобретает особый характер [10].


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