Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper the interrelation of an axonometric and perspective drawing with a represented object’s real vision is considered. What are the most noticeable axonometric and perspective deformations, how is the axonometric and perspective image of a subject differs from its outlines, visible in real space, in nature? Why it is necessary to choose some types of axonometric projections and separate types of linear prospect with care? What mistakes in drawing of such elementary objects as geometrical bodies, household ware, details and models, arise from literal following to "conditional rules" of this or that commonly accepted projection? How to eliminate these characteristic errors and to bring an image closer to subject’s visual perception? Irrespective of specialization and preliminary training on the academic (art) drawing, students, as experience shows, approach the beginning of training in the technical drawing approximately with identical "baggage" of knowledge, skills, deep rooted mistakes and ideas on the drawing of elementary objects. How justify this? – By means of the fact that drawing teachers due to various reasons don't explain (or can't explain) practically, and don't correct the simplest constructions of elementary objects’ images. If when drawing "from nature" there is almost always "a copying method" with additional adjustment of result, then when analytical drawing (technical drawing’s primary subject) an image object before draftsman’s eyes is absent, and it is required not only to strain fantasy and imagination, but also to know what to do, possess certain techniques, and sequence of constructions. The technical drawing is not some special type of images which is constructed according to its own laws, but alleviated, simplified version of the art drawing. A main aim of the technical drawing is not creation an object’s artistic image, but a "technical aspect" – identification on the image of the object its construction, geometrical surfaces, components, functional principle. In the technical drawing the drawing itself has conditionality, i.e. the drawing is carried out not absolutely as the object is seen by a draftsman, but as it will look in one of axonometric (perspective) projections chosen by the draftsman. How to bring the drawing by "conditional rules" into coincidence with the object "vision"? First of all it’s necessary to exclude all possible and in advance "programmed" on "failures" projections and positions of imaging objects. To consider probability of images’ "visualization shortcomings" even in quite "acceptable" projections, and eliminate these shortcomings with appropriate methods. To correct unsuccessful images.

technical drawing, academic and art drawing, axonometric and perspective drawing, object vision, viewer, point of view, main beam of sight, visual image, visualization shortcomings, drawing conditionality, surface sketch, chiaroscuro on surfaces.

Многие годы преподавания дисциплины «Технический рисунок» на художественно-графическом факультете Московского педагогического государственного университета позволяют сделать некоторые выводы о роли этого учебного предмета для студентов, изучающих академический рисунок, живопись, композицию.


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