Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
One of strategic tasks of schools is stimulation of pedagogical workers to professional development on the basis of strengthening of objectivity, openness and transparency of evaluation of their work. Article considers new approaches to estimated procedures in system of teacher’s growth on the basis of the accounting school graduates evaluation system of teacher growth. Authors presented the material prepared within realization of actions of Federal target program of development of education (FTPDE), a task “Development of modern mechanisms and technologies of the general education”. The article described step by step the technique of the use of technology accounting teaching staff evaluation of the graduates of last years in the general education organizations. The technology allows you to build public ratings of school teachers on the basis of estimates of graduates of last years, to make reasonable decisions on stimulation, the direction on training (professional development according to the specific program providing elimination of the revealed professional deficiencies), and program planning individual professional development of teachers.
teacher growth, evaluation of teacher’s work, graduates of schools, teacher’s model of growth, weight coefficient, rating system, criteria, and indicators.
Одной из важнейших стратегических задач школ с низкими результатами обучения и школ, функционирующих в сложных социальных условиях, на современном этапе является повышение качества кадрового потенциала, стимулирование педагогических работников к профессиональному развитию.
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