Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a study of the psychological perception of time as a factor of social adaptation of persons with disabilities. This study is a part of study of the peculiarities of perception of physical variables: time and space - by persons with disabilities. Its purpose is the development of psycho-pedagogical methods of correction of perception and orientation in time and space in people with disabilities. To assess the psychological perception of time the person the methodology was applied, reflecting the understanding by a man his life segments (past, present and future). The authors have developed the technique of "Scale definitions shades" to represent the respondents received estimates. The results of studies of the psychological perception of time show that persons with disabilities perceive the disabilities and the period of their lives more negative, intensely, in dark colors than those from healthy conventionally group. The perception of its past due in people with disabilities since the emergence of mental and physical defects (birth or acquired) and painted in their representation in the "dark" tone as a period of critical events in their lives. This occurs quite monotonous, passive, grey. The future, as demonstrated by the results of the study, is the lightest, full of hope for the improvement of their position. Perception of life and psychological time periods personality is reflected in his social adaptation, complicating the process for persons with disabilities.

psychological time of personality, personswithdisabilities, socialadaptation, perception of time.

Восприятие и осознание времени являются факторами ориентации и социальной адаптации человека в окружающей действительности.


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