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Abstract (English):
The purpose of any advertizing campaign is a cer-tain impact on potential consumers of goods or service. For achievement of this task, first of all, it is necessary to make this information available to the necessary audience within the desirable term. Accuracy of "mes-sage delivery" depends on quality of work on such stage of advertizing campaign as mass media planning. The term mass media planning has been "russified" for the first time at the end of 1994 at the scientific seminar held by the research center "V-ratio" at the Institute of sociology of RAS. The name of new discipline was developed by the experts of leading Moscow advertizing agencies engaged in advertizing research and development of advertizing campaigns plans. The American word "media" means a set of ways for advertising including any mass media and outdoor advertizing. At the same time experts have combined the term "media" with the word "planning". As a result of it, when merging the two words a standard term has appeared reflecting interrelation of optimum planning of the advertizing budget and the choice of advertizing channels.

mass media planning, media strategy, media channel, media platforms, media indicators.
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