Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the creation of the system of monitoring of quality of training of specialists is investigated. The priority directions investigating eff ectiveness of professional education as system training of the popular expert are considered. The purpose of carrying out monitoring of level of achievements of students which is expressed in creation of the mechanism of management of the system of researches of educational achievements directed to reliable estimation and development of students is formulated. On the basis of the analysis of the generalized, private, special and marked out results received during monitoring optimum expansion of quantitative and qualitative criteria, the humanitarian and natural-science methods of a research providing a combination and comparison of the results received by various researches is off ered. The need of introduction of new criteria is proved. The useful recommendations submitted on a solution of the problem of formation of the procedure of monitoring of level of achievements of students as indicator of quality of education are off ered. The importance of work consists in a possibility of synthesis of experience for the purpose of use of secondary professional education by educational institutions.

monitoring of quality of training of specialists, research of level of achievements of students, decrease in volume of monitoring researches, optimization of quantity applied by criteria. ний

Российское законодательство в области образования предусматривает ряд процедур, ориентированных на оценку качества образования. Обоснованное применение получили лицензирование, аккредитация, аттестация и инспектирование.


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