Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The objective of the article is to show specific features and the possibilities of mediation procedure in the sphere of employment relations as a new form of conflict management. The effective conflicts solution is one of the main items of managerial decisions, mechanisms of conflicts management in the sphere of employment relations. In contemporary conditions the greatest importance belongs to professional conflicts solution with the help of mediation procedure. Mediation is the combination of certain goal-oriented managers’ types of actions. Each of them is observed in the article. There is an example of industrial dispute which is defined by different specific interests of employees and personal management staff. These differences cover almost all aspects of social-working relations in the organization. At the same time an employer can be interested in prevention of conflict increasing. This is an efficient, rational base for mediation procedures in the frames of employee-employer disputes.

mediation, conflicts, industrial disputes, employer, negotiations, mediation procedure, competency.

В статье «Медиативная компетенция руководителя как инструмент эффективного управления персоналом» (№ 2(11)/2014) была рассмотрена модель менеджмента конфликтов как новая форма управления конфликтными ситуациями, ориентированная на развитие организации.


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