Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In view of general prevalence of the Internet it is necessary to investigate the specifics and the aspects of Internet communication characterizing with the selecting the particular lexical, grammatical and stylistic language means applied in oral and written Internet communication. It is noted that, the English language used in Internet communication is exposed to various language transformations, such as: different kinds of reductions and abbreviations, affixation, conversion, hybridization, etc. It is concluded that the Internet language receives the increasing similarity to oral speech due to various transformations, introducing in them the amendments and features thanks to what the network language form becomes unique and different both from oral, and from the written speech of forms in spite of the fact that they are its basis.
Internet-communications, communicant, literary language norm, Internet language, language transformation, abbreviation, affixation, conversion, hybridization.
Общеизвестно, что человеческий язык — это необычайно многогранное явление. Без языка невозможно человеческое общение, а без общения невозможно становление и развитие и личности, и общества в целом.
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