Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article underlines the significance of information and information culture as basic elements of society which support its existence and stimulate its further development. Accumulation, preservation and transfer of the information as evolution of the information culture stimulate the development of technologies which causes changes in various spheres of human activities and influences their communication practices. It fosters technological advances in modes of information transmission. This way the author considers the process of the forming and developing information culture of international relations students through the prism of their educational activities. The article provides outcomes of social research which underline the significant role of television and Internet in the life and social practices of IR students. The author focuses attention on the analysis of social research singling out young people as the most active Internet’s user. The article considers Internet as an environmental component of the information space of students from universities of international relations and as the environment, which specific influences their information culture within their activity in virtual environment. The author further estimates Internet’s role in forming the autonomy of IR students, which stimulates the development of their cognitive activities as well as forms a trilateral model of their social and career personality that includes individual, professional and foreign language competence.

information culture, foreign language communication competence, information competence, environmental component, Internet.

Актуальность изучения процесса формирования и развития информационной культуры будущего специалиста-международника напрямую связана как с выделением ценности качественного знания, так и его практического применения в рамках современного глобального информационного общества.


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