Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
employee from 01.10.2008 until now
Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Loci of points (LOP) equally spaced from two given geometrical figures are considered. Has been proposed a method, giving the possibility to systematize the loci, and the key to their study. The following options have been considered. A locus equidistant from N point and l straight line. N belongs to l. We have a plane that is perpendicular to l and passing through N. N does not belong to l – parabolic cylinder. A locus equidistant from F point and a plane. In the general case, we have a paraboloid of revolution. The F point belongs to the given plane. We get a straight line perpendicular to the plane and passing through the F point. A locus equidistant from a point and a sphere. The point coincides with the sphere center. We get the sphere with a radius of 0.5 R. The point lies on the sphere. We get the straight line passing through the sphere center and the point. The point does not coincide with the sphere center, but is inside the sphere. We get the ellipsoid. The point is outside the sphere. We have parted hyperboloid of rotation. A locus equidistant from a point and a cylindrical surface. The point lies on the cylindrical surface’s axis. We get the surface of revolution which generatix is a parabola. The point lies on the generatrix of the cylindrical surface of rotation. We get a straight line, perpendicular to that generatrix and passing through the cylinder axis. The point does not lie on the axis, but is located inside the cylindrical surface. We get the surface with a horizontal sketch line – the ellipse, and a front sketch lines – two different parabolas. The point is outside the cylindrical surface. A locus consists of two surfaces. The one with the positive Gaussian curvature, and the other – with the negative one.
geometry, descriptive geometry, loci, locus, analytical geometry.
Начертательная геометрия «является наивысшим средством развития той таинственной и мало поддающейся изучению точными науками способности человеческого духа, которая зовется воображением, и которая является ступенью к другой царственной способности — фантазии, без которой почти не совершаются великие открытия и изобретения».
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