The purpose of the investigation carried out is a definition of qualification express-tests parameters of chemical stability of hydrocarbon oxidation mixtures under static conditions. There was formed a criterion model assigned for the recalculation of express-tests results to operation conditions and including criteria of geometrical, thermo-dynamic and kinetic similarity. There was developed a procedure for parameterization of the model mentioned and synthesized a procedure of the recalculation mentioned based on the model of the bimolecular interaction of a hydrocarbon mixture with oxygen. A method for the account of the additional factors impact based on the factor planning of an experiment and allowing the choice of extremal conditions for maximum oxidation acceleration is offered. There is developed a procedure for a comparative check of the efficiency of the most efficient catalyst based on the application of Grubbs criterion. A similar approach may be used at the assessment of the significance of an irradiation impact, and in whole – for the transformation of multi-level planning into two-level one.
express-tests, accelerated oxidation, artificial ageing, geometrical similarity, thermo-dynamic similarity, kinetic similarity, bimolecular interaction, factor planning, qualification standards
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