Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of the state educational standards and exemplary educational programs of different generations is provided in this paper. The distinction between the state educational standards of different generations has been demonstrated. Necessity for introduction of new generations of standards and their regulatory support has been justified. Also have been demonstrated the structure, contents, merits and demerits of educational standards for each generation. An explanation for the need of consecutive modernization for the Federal educational standard of the third generation and approval of updated standards together with exemplary main educational programs as a single set of documents has been offered. The absence of professional competences in drafts of the updated standards has been explained. The draft of the updated Federal state educational standard in the field of study 20.03.02 has been presented.

state educational standards, professional standards, professional competences, exemplary main educational programs.

1. Проблемы и задачи стандартизации высшего образования
В соответствии с Конституцией Российской Федерации в РФ установлены федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты [1].


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