Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes a method of immanent analysis of literary text with all its varieties. The immanent approach to the literary text is represented as a basis of aesthetic communication between a writer and a reader that implies the connection of the rational aspect of understanding a literary work with its emotional and intuitive holistic perception. Unconscious, intuitive admiration of a work of literature precedes the conscious enjoyment of them. The role of analysis in aesthetic pleasure is in finding the reasons why we like the work, and then in increasing the experience of pleasure through the help of special techniques and methods of commenting and interpretation of the text.

linguistic circle, Gogol, “the Overcoat”, immanent analysis, aesthetic communication, stylistic experiment, Prince Sergey Volkonsky.

Восприятие произведения искусства слова предполагает ситуацию «разумно-жизненного общения» между писателем и читателем, возникновение понимания, которое не сводится к логике, но включает в себя и живой личностный контакт, эмоциональный резонанс.


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