St. Petersburg State University (The department of Philosophic Anthropology, postdoctoral researcher)
Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the comprehension of the philosophical and methodological foundations of the theory and practice of education. The focus is on the phenomenology of the "vital world" (E. Husserl) and "being-in-the-world" (M. Heidegger). Implantation of these phenomenological ideas into the fabric of educational discourseserves the purpose of revealing the possibilities of phenomenology in the study of the educational space. The subject of the study is the everyday educational reality, as well as those meanings and meanings that have a reality in the mind of the teacher and student. Particular attention is paid to the description of multiple ways of understanding the space in which teachers and students are immersed. The method of hermeneutic phenomenology used by the author makes it possible to demonstrate the heuristic and fruitfulness of addressing the idea of a "vital world" in the analysis of educational reality.In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that for the specificity of human being lies in his "life world" (or in "being-in-the-world"), then the teacher and student can be screened from each other by their own space-time, and itself "Resettlement" of pedagogical relationships is discrete. In this regard, pedagogical interaction will become a meeting of the student and the teacher only when it finds support in the value-semantic structures that make up the life world of the students, their being-in-the-world.
phenomenology, education, life world, being-in-theworld, meaning, space.
Феноменология – одно из самых значительных и влиятельных направлений философии и культуры XX в. Родоначальником данного течения является немецкий мыслитель Э. Гуссерль.
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