A chronology and a sequence of works for more than 20 years in the development of different computer program packages which have formed a basis of a future CAD system of technologies and rolling-mill equipment at the enterprise of Uralsmashzavod are presented. The descriptions of the most efficient software packages are given to solve the optimization problems in different processes of blank deformation, parameters of mechanisms and their drives, design parameters of load-bearing parts and complex units from the point of view of strength and life obtaining.
CAD system; Uralsmashzavod; optimization computer programs; structural components; durability.
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2. Statistical Analysis and Blooming Mill Mathematical Modeling / S.L. Kotsar, B.N. Polyakov, Yu.D. Makarov, V.A. Chichigin. M.: Metallurgy, 1974. pp. 280.
3. Polyakov, B.N. Statistical Methods in Algorithms and Examples (from practice of rolling-mill production): manual – S-Pb.: “Renome”, 2007. pp. 182.