Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Crises, which have become an integral part of modern social development, penetrate, among other things, the sphere of human resources management, which requires a scientific justification of their specifics in terms of effective management. In this regard, the negative consequences of crises in the field of human resources management, which require the adoption of appropriate managerial decisions, are shown. The general typology of crises is supplemented by the types of specific human resources crises, among them: personnel hunger, the crisis of labor productivity, the crisis of competence, the crisis of motivation, the crisis of culture, the crisis of social and labor relations. Characteristics of human resources crises are given, the main signs of the consequences for the organization are shown. The content of the stages of human resources crises is substantiated: pre-crisis, acute phase, depression, moderate growth and recovery. Their specificity is shown from the standpoint of constructing an effective system of crisis human resources management.

crisis, crisis factors, types of crises, human resources crisis, stages of crisis, crisis human resources management.

Кризисы являются неотъемлемым элементом естественного развития любой системы и неизбежно приводят к обновлению или созданию новой, более устойчивой к неожиданным вызовам формы организации.


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