Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that Russian universities as subjects implementing local strategies in the field of development of science and education, in connection with the inclusion in the processes of internationalization, seek to enter the international level of competitiveness. Significant reserves of increasing international competitiveness are associated with the development of promising approaches to the management of the effectiveness of scientific and pedagogical personnel. In these conditions, the key success factor is the development and implementation of technologies to manage the effectiveness of intellectual work as the most important source of development and improving the efficiency of scientific and pedagogical staff. In this connection, the author in the article highlights the main directions in the management of the effectiveness of intellectual workers in higher education institutions and the factors that determine them, which determines the practical value of research. It is substantiated that the management of the effectiveness of scientific and pedagogical personnel is impossible without constructing a clear connection between individual performance indicators and the strategic goals of the university. The scientific novelty is the development of an expanded approach to the management of the effectiveness of intellectual workers in higher education institutions, which should be oriented both to the formation of performance indicators and models of labor remuneration, and to build an integral system for managing human capital on the basis of planning, development and preservation of competences of scientific pedagogical staff.

intellectual work, institutions of higher education, scientific and pedagogical cadres, human capital.


В современном обществе выделяется особый класс интеллектуальных работников, которые участвуют в формировании нового общества, ориентированного на преобладание новшеств над традициями во всех элементах социальной и производственной среды, использование качественно новых моделей развития, ускорение темпов внедрения инноваций и эффективного преобразования установившейся за предыдущие периоды социальной структуры.






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