Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a study of the problems of integrating Federal state and professional standards in the training of specialists with secondary vocational education institutions. Federal state standard of new generation set up for the teachers of special disciplines of secondary vocational education institutions the problem of creating conditions to ensure the implementation of standard requirements to results of education, and the formation of professional competencies with the purpose of achievement of the standard of professional education. The process of implementing these requirements is complicated by the diff erent approaches to FSS and professional standard. The study is based on a practical methodology that focuses on solving practical problems and purposeful transformation of vocational training programmes, to ensure integration of FSS and professional standards in the training of specialists. The article provides an example of integration of requirements of the FSS and professional standards on the basis of professional educational organizations. The results consist in the description of the experience of the competence approach to organization of educational process, integration of standards by the example of one educational institution. This experience is applicable in any professional educational organization, regardless of the provisioning profile. The authors observed the diff erential nature of the main types of professional competencies of the FSS and the integrative nature of job functions of the professional standard, the necessity of designing professional modules having leading nature. The article describes the experience of integrating the standards applicable in any professional educational organization, regardless of the provisioning profile.

professional standard, the formation of professional competence, vocational education, integration of FSS, Federal state standard.

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