Kaluga, Russian Federation
Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
The article considers the problem of formation of the conceptual and terminological framework of younger schoolchildren in the process of acquiring knowledge of mathematical content. The article reveals the logical framework of concepts as forms of thinking. The authors substantiate the possibility of controlling the process of mastering concepts, shaping them with desired qualities through the stages of formation of concepts. The contents of the learning activities of students at each stage on the example of the concept “equation” are sescribed.
junior school age, concept, methods of definition of concepts, logical errors, stages of concept formation.
Современный подход к начальному образованию определяет логическое знание как важнейший инструмент познавательного процесса, поскольку логика выступает универсальной основой единообразного подхода освоения предметного содержания учебных дисциплин.
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