Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
As is known, differential geometry studies the properties of curve lines (tangent, curvature, torsion), surfaces (bending, first and second basic quadratic forms) and their families in small, that is, in the neighborhood of the point by means of differential calculus. Algebraic geometry studies properties of algebraic curves, surfaces, and algebraic varieties in general [1; 17]: order, class, genre, existence of singular points and lines, curves and surfaces family intersections (sheaves, bundles, congruences, complexes and their characteristics). Rational curves and surfaces occupy a special place among them: • their design by bi-rational (Cremona) transformations [10; 21]; • investigation of their properties by mapping to lines and planes [9; 21; 22]; • construction of smooth contours from arcs of rational curves belonging to surfaces [10]. It seems that the main results obtained in this direction by mathematicians in the second half of the 19th century by structural and geometric methods should be the theoretical support for the design of technical forms that meet a number of pre-set requirements using modern computational tools and information technologies. It is obvious that application of Cremona transformations’ powerful apparatus is useful when designing, for example, pipes of complex geometry according to set of streamlines, thin-walled shells for a given mesh manifold of curvature lines etc. Apparently, this stage should precede computer graphics’ calculation procedures. However, in Russian publications on applied (engineering) geometry, only a little attention is paid to the study of surfaces in general. The author knows nothing about the use of this approach for solving of these applied problems. In this regard, the aims of this paper are: • illustration of method for mapping a surface to a plane to study its properties in general by the example of construction a flat model for a hyperboloid of one sheet; • constructive approach to the construction of smooth one-dimensional contours on rational surfaces.
norm curve, hyperboloid of one sheet, mapping, stereographic, curved and oblique projection, Hirst transformation, one-dimensional contour.
В первой половине XIX в. появились новые виды геометрии: проективная и алгебраическая, неевклидовы геометрии Лобачевского — Бойяи и Римана.
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