GRNTI 34.49 Радиационная биология
Purpose: Identification of the psychological preconditions of the staff stability during work at facilities after radiation accidents. Material and methods: This paper includes the comparative analysis of findings of psychological examination of the personnel of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) over the aftermath period (July 1986 – April 1987) and those of the control group consisted of the workers of the Smolensk NPP (102 persons). The psychological examination was based on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). To achieve the purpose of this study, additional information was collected concerning the time of dismissal of previously examined employees of the Chernobyl NPP. Two groups of the surveyed workers were selected on the basis of the obtained information: – individuals who continued to work at the Chernobyl NPP after the accident until 1995 (group 1) – 74 persons; – individuals who resigned voluntary from the plant within a year and a half following the accident (group 2) – 29 persons. Results: The results of the examination using MMPI and 16-PF revealed significant differences in the generalized psychological portraits of group 1, group 2 and the control group. Individuals of the group 2 were more different in psychological parameters from the control group than those of group 1. So, according to the MMPI data, significant differences were found on the L (Lie) scale and on seven clinical scales: scale 1 (Hypochondriasis), scale 2 (Depression), scale 3 (Hysteria), scale 4 (Psychopathic Deviate), scale 6 (Paranoia), scale 7 (Psychasthenia) and scale 8 (Schizophrenia). The values in the group 2 were significantly higher than in the control group for all listed above scales. In addition, the group 2 had lower levels of 16PF factors: the Q1 (Openness to Change/Radicalism) and the secondary F4 factor (Independence). Also, a large proportion of individuals with abnormally pronounced personality traits (more than 70 T-score) were obtained in this group according to the MMPI data (41.4 %). The most frequently anomalous peaks were met on the scales 2 (Depression) and 1 (Hypochondriasis). The anomalous peaks on the MMPI profiles in the group 2 have been detected more than three times often than in the group 1. In addition, the group 2 had lower levels of 16PF factors: C (Emotional Stability) and F (Liveliness) than these factors of the group 1. Comparison of the examination results of the group 1 and the control group revealed the similarity of their generalized psychological portraits. At the same time, the group 1 demonstrated much higher values (p < 0.05) on MMPI scales: 1 (Hypochondriasis) and 2 (Depression) in comparison with the control group, however, these values were a bit higher than the general population standards (50 T-scores). Conclusion: The group of employees who quitted the job shortly after the accident was characterized by a pronounced uniqueness according to indicators of psycho-diagnostic tests, in comparison both with the control group, and with those who remained working at the plant for a long time. Apparently, these differences confirm our assumption about the existence of psychological characteristics that can be considered as preconditions for workers to make the decision to leave or continue working at the enterprise under changed conditions. This demonstrates the importance of taking into account the psychological characteristics of workers and the need for psychological support for personnel working under the exposure of harmful and hazardous factors after major radiation accidents.
staff turnover, personnel of nuclear power plants, radiation accidents, psycho-diagnostic examination
Изучение факторов, влияющих на стабильность кадрового состава на производстве, является важной задачей руководителей, кадровых работников, психологов не только с теоретической, но и с практической точек зрения. При этом под стабильностью кадрового состава понимается «…динамически устойчивое состояние коллектива, взятого как система, которое позволяет коллективу эффективно функционировать и развиваться в условиях постоянных внешних и внутренних воздействий, и связанных с ними изменений, при сохранении всех своих основных структур».
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