Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
In the article written on the basis of the personal practical experience of the author – the teacher of the primary classes of the separate structural subdivision of the school № 109 in Moscow on the Basis of Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology – the process of making counting disks in extra-curricular lessons in mathematics in the framework of the project “We Learn – We Know” is described in detail. The positive effect of this type of labor activity is fixed – especially for children who are on long-term inpatient treatment in medical institutions. The issues of interdisciplinary content of extracurricular activities are considered.
younger schoolchildren; children-patients; psychoemotional state; extra-curricular lesson in mathematics; the project “We Learn – We Know”; counting disk; scale; formation of computing skills.
Задачи образования детей, находящихся на длительном стационарном лечении, успешно решаются в рамках проекта «Учим–Знаем».
1. Agafonova S.A. Psikhologicheskaya reabilitatsiya detey-invalidov s onkologicheskimi zabolevaniyami sredstvami khudozhestvennoy deyatel’nosti [Psychological rehabilitation of disabled children with oncological diseases by means of artistic activity]. Pedagogicheskiy opyt: teoriya, metodika, praktika: materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno–prakticheskoy konferentsii (Cheboksary, 30 okt. 2015 g.) [Pedagogical experience: theory, methodology, practice: materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference (Cheboksary, October 30, 2015)]. Cheboksary: Tsentr nauchnogo sotrudnichestva «Interaktiv plyus» Publ., 2015, V. 2, I. 3 (4), pp. 189–192.
2. Perova M.N. Metodika prepodavaniya matematiki v spetsial’noy (korrektsionnoy) shkole [Methodology of teaching mathematics in a special (correctional) school: a textbook for students of defectology faculties of teacher training Universities]. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2001. 408 p.